6 steps to start Faith Community Nursing

  1. I’m interested  - learn and pray
  2. Share your vision
  3. Planning your next steps – nurture growth
  4. Appointing your FCN
  5. Preparing your FCN
  6. Supporting your FCN

Download the 'Steps to start Faith Community Nursing' Factsheet here

To help you:

To help you investigate and establish faith community nursing in your local church or faith based organisation, we offer:

Short and simple fact sheets to answer frequently asked questions

Packs of information and documents

Each pack contains a 20-30 page explanatory booklet, relevant Fact Sheets and the Planning and Documentation packs contain large quantities of editable templates. Participants in the Foundations of Faith Community Nursing course receive an electronic copy of all packs as part of their registration fee.

  • FREE Introductory Pack: introduces you to the FCN role an steps to take regarding implementing the role
  • Planning Pack (for churches): describes each step you can take to plan your FCN role for successful commencement (no longer for sale)
  • Documentation Pack (for FCNs): the booklet discusses the context of the use of the 47 editable documentation templates (no longer for sale)

Learn more about the packs here

Going deeper into promoting health in churches

To read more on promoting health in churches: