AFCNA is continuing to find ways to engage, nurture, equip and network members’ for heath and
pastoral care ministry via Faith Community Care and Faith Community Nursing. We are considering:

  1. Ensuring the websites are contemporary, easy to navigate, mobile friendly, and informative
    This requires a considerable time and financial resource, and AFCNA is considering the risks and
    benefits of this expenditure.
  2. Telling the Faith Community Care story effectively via testimonial videos.
    We would like to create a range of videos so members and interested people can see someone who
    reminds them of themselves and have their interest piqued e.g. students, health professionals,
    clients, pastors, priests, educators, aged care workers, chaplains, pastoral care workers – A person
    can click on a video and see someone who looks like them, acts like them, and perhaps even thinks
    like them - telling their story of Faith Community Care and why they are AFCNA members. If you are
    interested in being videoed we’d love to hear from you.
  3. Professional and Ministry development opportunities
    We hope to grow the short courses available from AFCNA with free and low cost opportunities. If
    you have ideas of what is most useful to Faith Community Care and you have may be able to be
    videoed or help us find the right person who has the knowledge. We are eager to hear from you!
  4. Networking with others in the field
    We hope to grow our ‘Community of Practice’ so people can meet others in similar roles and share
    information, resources, experiences (‘This is what I wish I knew then, that I know now!’ scenarios),
    encouragement and prayer - across Australia and throughout the Asia pacific region.
  5. Partnering and working together
    Please take a close look at our Strategic Plan and consider how you can partner with us in one of our
    8 goals. We have partnering and prayer suggestions to enable us to meet our collective vision. Please
    bring these prayer points before the LORD and consider how you can join Him in the harvest field he
    has prepared for you and for me.

Click here for a quick summary sheet of partnership needs, scan through it and bring it before God in prayer. Then
consider if God is calling you to partner with him to see God’s ‘kingdom come on earth as it is in
heaven’. If you can help us to release God’s love and mercy and let his healing love flow through
our faith communities and beyond like streams of living water in a parched and desert landscape,
then we really want to hear from you at, or visit our website 'Join with us' for more information.